Thursday, February 11, 2010

Short Stories + Bullets= Sad Stories.

This story was probably one of the saddest stories I've ever read. This story painted one of the most real life pictures in my head then a four chapter long book would have. From the celings to the eyes this whole story was completely painted out in my head. I really liked this story and I felt like it had a lot of strengths. Details being one of the prominent features, but also was the voice and character of this story. At first I looked at the main character as rude and annoying and selfish for talking about the teller like that but after hearing his story and realzing how strong and brave of a person he really was it changed my whole view.
Now I've never been in this kind of situation at all and I can't imagine what it would be like to be in one but I know that I would hope that there woudl be that one strong person that would give up his life in order to hopefully save someone elses. When the story started talking about his past I was a little lost about what exactly had gone on. Though I think the jist of it was that Anders was a man that started off being so happy but ended up finding himself in a bad relationship with his wife. I'm not sure if that's true but the story made it seem as if he wasn't as happy with his life now that his daughter is gone and his wife was mood changing. This story was a really strong story and made me think a lot about this type of situation, this type of person, and this this type of emotion that can all be told in a short story.

1 comment:

  1. What's interesting about this story is all the different ways that people will interpret the character of Anders. I still can't decide whether he's a good person or not.
