Sunday, January 31, 2010

Personality Tests Never Get It Right....

So my test came back to be a three, but looking into it i feel like I'm not a three at all. So basically my test said that I'm your everyday over achiever. It says that I need positive, honest feedback to learn, i need to be left alone when I'm working, I need a peaceful environment to be able to work, and that I need to be given compliments when someone is proud of me. It also says that I am friendly, upbeat, provide well for my family, and that I motivate people well. The bad things about being a three were that they always need success, your always trying to impress people, and that you get worn out from the exhaustion of being perfect. A younger three is usually well liked by everyone and extremely hard working and responsible, also that they are engaged in many school clubs and the school government.
When i saw these results at first I thought this was the most opposite of an explanation that i could get. Then I looked more into it and there were a couple traits that resembled me, such as that I'm perky, upbeat, and optimistic. I try to be as loyal as I possibly can and I like to think that I'm on all the time but I'm the most chaotic unresponsible person ever. I also love to please everybody which is another feature of the three, but other then that I don't fall into this category at all. As a child I was never the achiever, not in school, not in sports. I wasn't in any clubs or governments as a child I was simply just the social butterfly.
When I looked at all the different categories I realized that I can't put myself in one category, I was a little bit of each. I guess I was more of a three then I thought but I also was a seven too. I hate being bored more then anything. When it comes to getting out and seeing the world I want that more then anything, but sometimes I do feel like i move too fast. I can become impatient fast at times but on the other hand I'm very laid back and horrible at time management. When a hectic situation comes up I either get frantic and impatient or I just try to stay calm and out of the way. So I can't say exactly which group I'm in but I can say that I'm not in one exact group.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

About Me...

Well to start off my name is Meghan Powell. I'm originally from Billings, Montana but six years ago my dad found a job in Bozeman, Montana. So when I was in the 8th grade we moved to Bozeman and i started high school at Bozeman. Going from a town with over 12 middle schools and four high schools, to a town with two middle schools and one high school was a big change, but a change for the best. Throughout highschool I played basketball my freshman year and then got really into volleyball. I played Volleyball through my junior year untill the team got a new coach that wasn't exactly a good one. I also did track and field through my juniour year and then took a year off of all sports.
For right now I'm majoring in elementary education and hoping to teach middle schoool. I've always loved kids but who knows how long my patience can stand. I love going on vacations and laying on the beach all day, playing beach volleyball, and hanging out on the water. I love to water ski, snow ski, cross country ski, play volleyball, go on hikes, basically just get outside and there's no where better to be outside then in Bozeman. After I graduate i hope to get out for awhile before settling down and see the world, ski bum, and just get away. I'm really loud and love to laugh and smile at the wierdest things. So i hope this helps...